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Welcome to Lossiranta Manor's Christmas Calendar
In the Christmas calendar, you can learn about the history of the manor and its surroundings, get in the mood for the festive season, share a few tips and a few hints.
for various celebrations and events. Each day's hatch will be published on the @lossirannankartano instagram account and the offers and other relevant tips will be shared for December under this event as well. So stay tuned.
SMOKE SAUNA DISCOUNT - All those who book a smoke sauna for February-March 2023 will receive an 8% discount. Reservations must be made by the end of December.
ACCOMMODATION DISCOUNT - Overnight self-catering accommodation at the Boatswain's Locker in January-February 99.00 €/ 2hh / night. To take advantage of this offer, bookings must be made between 20.12.2022-15.1.2023.